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Tips on how to use hydroseeding to improve your yard

by Keith Snyder

There is nothing which ruins the perfect look of a lawn than having patches of dry or missing grass. When this happens, you need to think about the best way to replant and encourage growth. Hydroseeding includes spraying a mixture of seed, water and fertilizer on the parts of the lawn which have dried up. The seed is supposed to have the proper balance of nutrients for faster germination. Hydro mulching is the process of covering the seed and protecting it from elements such as harsh sunshine so that it can germinate well.  

Proper soil preparation

One thing that people fail to understand about planting grass on a lawn is that construction compacts the soil. This makes it very hard for plants to thrive and spread their root network. If your grass is not growing properly, you need to till the yard and loosen up the soil. Before spraying the seed, till the yard, aerate the soil and then add some compost. This will increase the possibility of the seed taking root.

Consistent watering

It is true that hydroseed grass needs less water than when you broadcast the seed, however, this does not mean that you forget the importance of watering your lawn after hydroseeding. When the weather is warm, it is recommended that you water the seeds at least two times a day, which will protect them from getting too dry. If the area is excessively dry, hydro-mulching will help retain some of that moisture which will encourage faster and more even growth.

Regular fertilizer

For the grass to grow evenly, it will need the necessary minerals and other nutrients. Look for a fertiliser which has a high nitrogen content, as this will supply your grass with all that is needed. Ideally, you should apply fertiliser to the lawn every three months or so, as this will keep the nutrients locked in the soil.

Those are a few tips which can help you have an easy time with hydro-mulching on your lawns. It is important to make sure that if there are issues which will not resolve, even after watering, mulching and fertilising, you call in an expert to assess the situation. This will help you turn around situations such as dry patches on the land and poor growth of the grass. With proper care and maintenance, a lawn grown through hydroseeding soon becomes the envy of the entire neighbourhood.
