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Essential Guidelines for Mounting Fire Extinguishers

by Keith Snyder

Fire extinguishers are some of the most critical firefighting equipment in the workplace. Even as more commercial facilities continue to install sprinkler systems, fire extinguishers remain the go-to firefighting appliances. However, the effectiveness of fire extinguishers depends on various factors, including proper installation. Failure to follow recommended installation guidelines can reduce the effectiveness of fire extinguishers and lead to losses, injuries, and fatalities. This article highlights crucial installation guidelines for fire extinguishers.

Install in a Recess Close to Escape Doors -- All commercial facilities should have a fire-rated escape door to offer a quick way out in case of a fire. It goes a long way in keeping injuries and fatalities low. Therefore, when installing fire extinguishers, it is advisable to mount them close to an escape door. The location allows fire wardens to fight off flames and have an easy way out should the fire get out of hand. Moreover, fire extinguishers mounted near exit doors enable fire wardens put off flames threatening to engulf the entryway and prevent occupants from escaping to safety. Most importantly, ensure fire extinguishers are mounted in a recessed wall to prevent people from knocking them down as they run out of a burning building.

Avoid Locations with High Temperatures -- Commercial facilities might have specific areas with high temperatures, and it is advisable to avoid them when installing fire extinguishers. Notably, most people believe that environmental temperatures don't impact the effectiveness of fire extinguishers. Unfortunately, ignoring the precaution puts people's lives in danger because high temperatures are unsuitable for fire extinguishers. For instance, if you manage a commercial kitchen, you might be tempted to mount a fire extinguisher close to an oven or a cooker for easy reach in case of a fire incident. However, it is not advisable since high temperatures reduce the durability of seals, rendering a fire extinguisher ineffective when you need it the most.

Match Installation Height to Fire Extinguisher Weight -- Fire extinguishers vary in weight, which is integral in establishing the mounting height. Ideally, the mounting height of large fire extinguishers should be lower than that of smaller models. If you install a large fire extinguisher at the same height as a smaller unit, getting it off the wall would be challenging. Consequently, it exposes occupants to fire injuries and fatalities since they cannot contain a fire in good time. Generally, it is easier for most people to unmount a large fire extinguisher from a lower height.
